Some of the most serious and life altering of auto accident injuries in Cleveland, Ohio, are those that occur in the area of your face. These include serious lacerations, bruising, dental injuries, broken noses and broken bones in the face, and injuries to the eyes. Eye injuries are among the most disruptive to the victim’s life because they can change the way a person sees, or take away your eyesight altogether. They can also be particularly traumatic for the victim and those who witness the injury, as eye injuries are often truly terrible in how they look and in how they affect your life. The eye is a complex part of your body, very delicate and sensitive, and difficult to repair when damaged.
How an Eye Injury in a Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Can Change Your Life
If you suffer from an eye injury that leaves you blind in one eye or blind in both eyes, this will naturally completely change your life. If it is just one eye, then you may still have vision, though you will have to get used to changes in your depth perception and you may not be able to continue with your current career, depending on what it is. If you are blinded in both eyes, then you are truly facing a tremendous challenge of getting used to life without sight. You may require ongoing care and treatment, and you may not be able to return to work at all. Then, there are cases where eye injuries do not take away your sight, but impair it. This is one of the best case scenarios, where you may only need glasses or surgery to return to normal vision and a normal life. If you are blinded, then normal will have a new meaning.
How Airbags Can Cause Eye Injuries in Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Victims
Airbags are intended to soften the impact of a motor vehicle collision, but they are not like pillows or cushions. They are certainly saving lives, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t also cause damage, particularly to the facial area. They work by deploying with a force that can be described as ‘explosive,’ and they can cause eye injuries like retinal detachment or traumatic cataracts.
How Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Cause Eye Injuries in Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Victims
A traumatic brain injury or TBI occurs when the head strikes or is struck by an object with enough force to cause the brain to collide with the skull. It could be a concussion or something more serious. This kind of injury can also cause damage to the victim’s eyes. It may cause vision disturbance, like blurred vision or vertigo. It may also make it very hard to see at all, even resulting in partial or total blindness.
How Lacerations and Foreign Particles Can Cause Eye Injuries in Cleveland, OH Auto Accident Victims
A laceration is a cut, and when it happens to an eye, it can cause tremendous damage. When foreign particles enter

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the eye, then this can cause a lot of irritation and pain. You could be temporarily or permanently blinded by either of these injuries. When a motor vehicle collision occurs in Cleveland, Ohio, you have to think about the likelihood of glass, debris, dirt, and other foreign objects striking the eyes and causing damage. A corneal laceration, or ruptured globe, is among the most traumatic of eye injuries in Cleveland, Ohio, auto accidents. It can happen because something cut into the eye or because the pressure and trauma of the accident caused the eye to rupture. Surgery is often an option to repair this kind of damage to the eye, but it is not always effective or possible. You may completely lose your eye if this happens to you. You can get a prosthetic or glass eye, but this will not allow for vision in the affected eye. These are often the most gruesome of injuries that are painful and traumatic to endure and also traumatic and painful to witness.
How Orbital Fractures Can Cause Eye Injuries in Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Victims
There is a bone that surrounds your eye socket, known as the orbital bone. It is a very strong bone that does not fracture easily. However, if there is enough force, as there often is in a Cleveland, Ohio, auto accident, the bone could be fractured. It is terribly painful and often involves pieces of bone entering the eye. In the worst cases, those bone pieces can even penetrate the person’s brain. This could lead to blindness, but that does not always happen. In some cases, a person can be treated and recover completely from an orbital fracture without permanent blindness in the given eye.
How Eyelid Injuries Can Occur in Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Victims
Your eyelids protect your eyes, and when they are injured, your eye is not only left without protection, but you may require significant medical treatment, optical surgery, and plastic surgery to repair the damage. Depending on whether other eye injuries occur in addition to the eyelid injury, you may be able to recover completely without blindness, but you may have permanent scarring and disfigurement.
The Impact of Cosmetic Eye Injuries on Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident Victims
A cosmetic injury is one that affects the way you look. Your eyes are among the first things that people notice, and the damage that can be caused by a Cleveland, Ohio, auto accident can be life altering in terms of your cosmetic appearance. Plastic surgery may help, and you may be able to get a prosthetic eye to replace an eye that has been lost, but you will still suffer from the cosmetic damage of the incident. This can affect your self esteem and confidence.
You Can Recover Compensation for Eye Injuries After a Cleveland, Ohio Auto Accident
If you have suffered from eye injuries in a Cleveland, Ohio, auto accident, then you can file a claim to recover compensation for your damages. This includes the medical expenses, the pain and suffering, the lost quality of life, and more. Call the attorneys at the Ohio Car Accident Lawyers to learn more.