Every driver will occasionally get into a collision. Even good drivers get into accidents, and those are often genuine accidents. They arise from daydreaming or forgetting that one time to double-check their blind spot. Often the crashes aren’t their fault at all, and they’re unsuspectingly hit from behind or brushed from the side.
Then there are the drivers that just don’t care—the drivers that whiz down the roadways and freeways with little care for themselves or anyone else. They speed, ignore traffic signals, blow stop signs, and more. But often, where there’s one dangerous behavior, there are many. Watch out for dangerous driving behaviors in Ohio. Our Ohio car accident lawyers have agreed that the following are the main causes of car accidents.
Speeding and Street Racing
Speeding and street racing vary only slightly. The trouble with excessive speeds is that you hit a point, right around the speed limit, where the likelihood of a fatality skyrockets. There is a huge difference between getting into a head-on collision at 35 mph and 40 mph. One is survivable; the other offers only a very low chance that the drivers can walk away.
Ignoring Traffic Signals
Running through a red light is a huge deal because its utterly destroying the flow and safety of traffic. When traffic flows in smooth and predictable patterns, accidents are at an all-time low. However, one person running a red light can cause substantial injuries and derail traffic patterns for hours.
It’s always worth it to stop or slow down. Don’t go through a ‘yield’ light unless you know it’s safe.
Rolling Stops
The legal term is a rolling stop, and that’s when a vehicle comes to a partial stop before ‘rolling’ through the intersection anyway. Now, the only time that a stop is complete is when the speedometer not only hits zero but rests there for a moment. That means zero mph. There is some argument that this is different in stick vehicles or cars with a manual transmission, but that’s not true. A full stop is a full stop.
It’s important to evaluate the possibility of these types of crashes because often, it is the person conducting the rolling stop that takes the biggest hit. They roll through an intersection at very low mph and then are struck by another vehicle. So why does it matter? Because this dangerous activity puts your compensation at risk by making both drivers at-fault or partially at-fault.
Remember that any traffic violation can put you as the faulted driver. Even if you’re not the most at-fault, it can drastically change how you file for insurance compensation and how much compensation you can access.
Drinking or Smoking and Driving
Drinking and smoking marijuana or other substances behind the wheel make up for a large portion of accidents. Even when people feel as though they’re more careful while driving under the influence, they’re unable to maintain their speed, focus on the road, and respond to changing road conditions.
How You Can Make a Difference
Hamilton County makes it possible to report concerns through the county; however, for immediate dangers, you need to contact Cincy PD. Now, while you might feel the urge to contact them for every driver you see using the phone, it’s not something that the police department will be able to respond to every time. There’s also the issue of elements such as cell-phone use laws that make it difficult to pull over drivers for the suspicion of phone use.
However, you should always call emergency services through 911 to report drunk or intoxicated drivers and street racing. These two elements are factors that police will often respond to immediately. You can usually identify a drunk driver through lane swerving, sudden braking, and driving far below the speed limit.
Ohio1 – Find Car Accident Lawyers for Your Case
Collisions happen, but dangerous driving patters are avoidable. In fact, many of us believe that it is generally Ohio State Police and Cincy PD’s job to get those people off the road or penalized enough to stop their behavior. So what happens when they cause a crash that involves your vehicle, and possibly your family? The thing that most people don’t do that they should is to hire an attorney.
Finding an attorney in Ohio is simple. Contact Ohio Car Accident Lawyers for a case review. You can sit down, or call in to discuss your case, your evidence, and your injuries with an attorney that will keep your best interest as the priority through the crash resolution process. There’ s additional effort put in from you. We handle everything that you would normally struggle through with the involved car insurance policies.