A dog is man’s best friend, but not everyone loves dogs. There are times when furry, four-legged creatures do not have good days and decide to take their frustrations out on unsuspecting passersby. If you are one of the unlucky individuals on the receiving end of a dog bite in Columbus, Ohio, you may need to seek the advice and assistance of a dog bite attorney. Any individual that owns a dog (or is a caretaker or keeper) is responsible for any injuries one of their pets inflicts on another individual.
There are some states (Ohio does not follow this rule) that allow a dog “one bite” before a labeling of a menace or a dangerous animal with a propensity to bite. This basically means if your dog has not been vicious in the past, or caused any type of injury to an individual or another animal, the owner may not have to compensate the first time the dog bites a person. It is up to each dog owner to be aware of the rules for owning a dog for the city they live in and keep the dog. Dog owners also need to make sure their pet behaves appropriately and does not terrorize, chase, or bite people.
Who is Held Accountable When a Dog Bites Someone in Columbus, Ohio?
Residents of Columbus, Ohio, with dogs, need to understand that state law holds them accountable for any and all injuries and damages the behavior of their dog causes, as long as the person is not trespassing on private property or tormenting, teasing or attempt to provoke the dog. Ohio is not a state that allows any kind of animal to get one free bite before the owner has to pay compensation for damages and injuries from the bite. Anyone that receives a dog bite in the state is eligible to receive compensation from the dog’s owner, caretaker, or keeper as long as the individual is legally on the property when they receive the bite. The dog’s owner, caretaker, or keeper will have to pay for any medical costs, treatments, and income losses of the person the dog bites. Individuals may also be able to collect damages for pain and suffering due to the dog bite in addition to the other expenses. It is a good idea for individuals suffering a dog bite to consult a dog bite attorney to learn how to collect compensation for damages.
If you live in Columbus, Ohio and are not a fan of dogs, you need to know that if you torment or agitate a dog in any form, the owner will not be responsible for any injuries or damages you receive from the attack. In other words, if you do not like your neighbor’s dog, and you yell at it or throw objects at the dog, you will not receive compensation if the dog attacks and causes injuries. The state has a separate statute that relates to and regulates vicious and dangerous dogs in Columbus. Dogs receive a “dangerous” or “vicious” label if it has killed or injured another animal or an individual. To initiate the process, a formal complaint from Columbus Animal Control or an individual that has had an injurious interaction with the dog requests a hearing. A judge will review all evidence and determine whether or not the dog falls into the category of “dangerous.” There are no specific breeds that fall into this category, as decisions are on a case by case basis.
What Do I Do to Collect Damages for a Columbus, Ohio Dog Bite?
Dog owners are typically responsible people that love and treat their pets like members of the family. If you sustain injuries from a dog, you should seek immediate medical attention and notify the owner of the dog as soon as possible. Most neighbors will be willing to compensate you for your damages and injuries as long as you provide proof of your treatment. However, if you find yourself in a battle with the dog owner, contact a dog bite attorney to help seek a resolution to the situation. There may be the possibility of you needing to pursue legal action, and a dog bite attorney will be able to protect your rights and help you get compensation for your injuries and damages. In this day and age, not everyone is willing to accept responsibility for the actions of their dog, and some will swear it was not their dog that hurt you and left you with injuries. Never attempt to take matters into your own hands, contact a dog bite attorney, and let them work on your behalf.
If you or someone you love suffers injuries from a dog bite, do not panic. The first things you should do are:
- Wash the wound with warm, soapy water and seek medical attention
- Take pictures of the wounds to document the injury
- Contact the dog’s owner, caretaker, or keeper and present your medical bills and photos
- Request the dog’s owner, caretaker, or keeper pay for your injuries and medical expenses
- Contact a dog bite attorney for assistance with your case
After you get into contact with the dog owner and find they are unwilling to compensate you for your injuries and damages, your next call should be to a dog bite attorney. A lawyer will be able to negotiate with the owner on your behalf and will be able to represent you if you need to pursue legal action. There are just some things that a dog bite attorney will be able to do that you cannot, and it is not a good idea for you to try to collect your damages without consulting a lawyer.
Any type of dog bite can be troublesome to you if it leaves you with visible wounds and injuries. A severe dog bite can leave you with nerve damage, scars, lacerations, damage to your tendons, and a lasting fear of dogs. You may even be worried if the dog has all the required shots. A dog bite attorney can investigate the dog’s owner and determine the dog’s status and put your mind at ease. Any dog bite victim will need to know if the dog they encountered has vaccinations to receive the correct medical care.
How Can an Ohio Dog Bite Attorney Assist Me?
When you or someone you love sustains injuries and damages from a bite from a dog, you may need to contact a dog bite attorney to schedule a consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation. A lawyer that works with dog bite cases will be able to let you know what your rights are as a dog bite victim and if you will be able to collect compensation for your damages and injuries. Do not jeopardize your health or your future by failing to seek legal advice. An attorney can investigate to find out if the dog has a prior history of biting, verify if shots are current, and see if there are any witnesses to the incident. Hire a dog bite attorney to make sure you receive the compensation you need to recover from your injuries.
Contact the Ohio Car Accident Lawyers for Help with Your Dog Bite Case
A dog’s bite can be cause for great concern and worry in your life. Contact our office so we can review the details of your situation and help you get compensation for your injuries. Our experienced Ohio dog bite attorneys have the experience needed to help you through this difficult time. We will work hard to make sure you receive everything you need to recuperate and recover.
Call the dog bite lawyers at the Ohio Car Accident Lawyers today so we can schedule a no-obligation consultation on how we can assist you with your dog bite case. We are here to help you receive the justice you deserve.