When you get in your car to drive, the idea of being in an accident is probably far from the front of your mind. After all, you are a safe driver and you follow all traffic laws. Unfortunately, no matter how safely you operate your own motor vehicle, there will always be negligent drivers who may come crashing into your life. Nonetheless, defensive driving is the most effective way to avoid being in an accident caused by negligent or criminal acts on Ohio’s highway and freeway system.
If you are in an accident, the attorneys at Ohio Car Accident Lawyers build are here to help you build the best claim possible.
Dangers on Ohio’s Roads
Ohio is considered to be a national transportation hub, with thousands of commercial vehicles working their way across the highways. While economically beneficial, it can make traveling on Ohio’s highways hazardous to the point where certain accident corridors have even been nicknamed “dead man’s curves.” These dangerous turns, as well as large trucks, speeding drivers, and other hazards make the act of driving risky for all drivers in Ohio.
Our legal team wants to encourage you to exercise extra caution when driving on Ohio roads, particularly the following roads listed below:
- Major interstates: I-71, I-76, I-77, I-80, I-90, I-271, I-277 and I-480;
- U.S. Highway 6 and 42; and
- Ohio State routes 2, 5, 8 and 11.
The combination of impaired drivers–from fatigue, alcohol, drugs, or distractions–travelling at excessive speeds along roads that are already extremely congested make for a lethal combination. In a matter of a split-second, the daily commute can turn into a violent and potentially fatal collision as a motorist merges unsafely, makes an unexpected and sudden lane change, or tailgates.
Drivers are not the only problem. Poorly planned road design, coupled with a lack of maintenance and poor signage at construction sites, are also contributing factors to dangerous crashes. In addition, these issues are exacerbated when the poor weather conditions create additional hazards including slick and icy roads.
Talk to an Accident Attorney Today
Highway accidents can be very traumatic and many victims feel unsure of where to turn. Our Akron highway accident lawyer will work with you to protect your rights and be your greatest ally as you go forward with a personal injury claim, providing you with the best options and legal advocacy. You can contact the attorneys at Ohio Car Accident Lawyers today by visiting us online or by calling 800-218-4243. Our attorneys will work with you to discover why your accident occurred, who might be liable, how to prove negligence, and the types and amount of damages you may be able to recover. We look forward to hearing from you soon.