When you have been injured in a car accident because of no fault of your own, it can be difficult to decide if you should take the case to court or accept a settlement award. Because of the added burden of taking a Cincinnati car accident case to court, most individuals decide to accept a settlement before heading to a jury trial. You need to consider the downfalls of taking a car accident case to court and weigh your options through the legal guidance of your personal injury attorney.
How Stressful Is Taking a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court?
Taking a Cincinnati car accident to court can be extremely stressful. You have to recognize that you will be put under a great deal of pressure and be filled with great anxiety over the outcome of your case. You will have no way of knowing how the jury will rule and you won’t know until the end of the trial what their decision will be. This unknown, for some, can be too much to bear and can cause undue stress.
If you decide to take your case to a jury trial, expect to feel a range of emotions during the presentation of evidence. You may not like what you hear, and you may have to endure testimony that is unfavorable to you.You also need to consider that you may have to take the stand and talk before the court. This will put you in the center spotlight and can be stressful in its own right. The defendant’s attorney will do everything they can to trip you up during your testimony, creating a great deal of confusion and discomfort for you.
How Expensive Is Taking a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court?
It can also be costly for you to undergo a court case for your Cincinnati car accident. You will not receive any money for the crash until a judgment has been settled on. This can leave with the burden of footing the bill to fix your car after the crash or pay for your medical costs out of pocket.
There are also litigation costs to consider, and while your car accident attorney most likely works on a contingency basis, you will have to provide a percentage of your awarded settlement to them after the case has concluded.
How Time Consuming Is Taking a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court?
Your court case may be a time-consuming endeavor for you, depending on the complexity of the case. It may take only a few days or as long as a few weeks, depending on how long the jury process takes, how many witnesses are called, and how long attorney opening and closing statements last. You also need to think about the time for a jury deliberate as there could be a deadlock vote that holds up the decision and takes days or weeks to resolve.
It is also important to note that your work schedule will be uprooted when going to trial as you will be spending the majority of your days in the courtroom. Without knowing the exact length of the trial, it can be hard to determine how much time you will need to take. You may need to clear it with your employer if you are working, making sure you can be at every court date throughout the entirety of your Cincinnati car accident case.
Should I Accept a Settlement to Avoid Taking a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court?
While accepting a settlement may seem like an easier course of action, it is not always the best solution for a Cincinnati car accident case. You may have severe injuries as a result of the accident, that is not meriting the compensation that is being offered to you. You need to rely on your personal injury attorney to help you decide what the best course of action is for your legal case and if going to court is a worthwhile endeavor to embrace.
Will I Get a Higher Settlement If I Take a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court?
When you take your car accident case to court, you are leaving it up to the jury to decide what your fate or settlement award should be. This could work in your favor if you provide significant evidence that supports your claims and substantiates your injuries. It can also be a detriment if the jury were to side with the defendant in the case.
You have no way of knowing what decision a jury will come to or the amount that you will receive as part of your settlement award. A personal injury attorney will have the knowledge you need to understand what the possible outcomes could be if you were to take your claim to court. This can help you weigh your options when it comes to accepting a settlement or going to trial.
Does Taking a Cincinnati Car Accident Case to Court End the Argument?
Once a decision has been made by a jury in regards to your case, it doesn’t mean the dispute is over. The jury decision can be appealed by the defendant, causing the court battle to endure much longer than you probably anticipated. This can mean more lost time at work, additional legal cost, and a prolonged duration that you will have to wait to see any financial benefit from going to court with your Cincinnati car accident case.
With this as a possibility, in some instances, it makes sense to take a settlement when offered. By accepting a settlement offer from the defendant in the case, you can avoid going to court altogether as well as some of the drawback associated with the lengthy legal process.
Consult with a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer
If you deserve compensation for being injured in a car accident, call the Ohio Car Accident Lawyers. Our experienced attorneys can provide you the legal advice you need to determine if your car accident case should go to court.