Car accident victims often dread reliving the crash experience. This is because of the extent of trauma they must have suffered in the collision. However, you must describe your accident correctly after a crash. This is because the quality of your compensation often depends on how much you can remember and prove from your accident.
Moreover, Ohio is an at-fault car accident state. Therefore, you must prove the responsibility of the fault driver to claim any compensation. If you’re ever in a car accident, it’ll be best to call a car accident lawyer. An excellent attorney can set you on the path of remembering and recording relevant facts from your crash.
Who Will Ask You To Describe Your Accident?
It’s vital to know who will ask you for your accident data. This way, you can be more careful when answering questions. Firstly, you should describe the auto accident to your attorney. Many people think that the only information their lawyer needs is whether or not they’re at fault. However, that isn’t the case. Your attorney needs more accident data.
Secondly, the police may also ask you questions while investigating the crash. Furthermore, you may also need to inform your insurance company of the accident. The other party and their insurer may also ask you to explain the crash.
However, they’re often just checking to see if you’ll say anything that’ll help their case. So, it’ll be best if you stay careful when talking to them. Finally, you don’t have to speak to the fault party. So you can ignore their information requests or talk only with your attorney present.
4 Tips for Describing Your Car Accident
Painting a clear picture of your motor vehicle collision may be challenging. However, if you apply the tips below, you can paint a very vivid picture.
- Know the Words Not to Use
Some words imply that you caused the collision. Such terms include “I’m sorry,” “That car came out of nowhere,” “I didn’t mean to hit them.” The police or insurance company can imply that you’re at fault or partly so from these phrases. So, it’ll be best to avoid talking this way.
Furthermore, it’ll be best not to describe your injuries in milder tones. If they’re more serious, the fault party may claim they aren’t linked to the crash. Therefore, it’ll be best to describe your injuries based on your medical records.
- Describe Your Injuries and How You Felt
After a car accident, you’ll most likely suffer some injuries. Wounds cause pain. So, you should add a description of any bodily injuries and how exactly you felt after the crash. Furthermore, some injuries don’t appear immediately after a collision. It may take a couple of days before you notice them. That’s why it’s best to see a doctor following an accident.
- Remember the Accident Angle
Many times, the angle of the crash can help determine responsibility. For instance, the driver behind is almost always responsible for a rear-end collision. So, if you remember the collision angle, you should tell your lawyer. The types of collisions are:
- Head-on collisions
- Rear-end collisions
- Side crashes
- Get a Diary
You will most likely not initiate a car accident claim immediately after the crash. You have about two years to file an accident lawsuit in Ohio. Your memory can fail within this period. Therefore, it’ll be best to record all the relevant information above in your diary after the crash. You can even record your injury recovery history. When you need it, your journal can jog your memory for all the facts.
Other Relevant Data
Many other facts can help your case, including:
- The number of cars
- Time of the accident
- Your speed level
- What lane you were driving on
- The state of the road and weather conditions
- Whether you could perceive alcohol on any of the other drivers
- Take pictures to back up your memory
- The vehicle type that hit you
Ohio Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You!
If you have suffered an auto collision in Ohio, you can recover compensation from the fault party. Therefore, it’ll be best to hire Ohio’s best car accident attorneys. Our lawyers have multiple years of experience helping car accident victims get closure by holding the fault party responsible.
However, we cannot help you if we don’t have all the relevant information on your crash. The more accident data your lawyer has, the higher your chances of winning a compensation claim. Therefore, it’ll be best to recount your experience to us when you call for a consultation on your case.