Headaches are among the most common of complaints after any kind of injury, and often without any injury at all. Many people get stress headaches or are prone to migraine headaches. These can have symptoms that seem serious, but are not, or that don’t seem serious, but are. You may find that your vision or hearing is disturbed, that you are nauseous or dizzy, or that you are particularly sensitive to light and sound. In many cases, these symptoms are nothing to worry about, but there are situations where they are more serious. Then, there are symptoms that are cause for alarm, like slurred speech and loss of consciousness or fainting. Another situation where a headache and the associated symptoms may be cause for alarm is when the symptoms follow an accident, like a Columbus, Ohio, auto accident. In such cases, experiencing a headache could be more serious than you think.
Post-Traumatic Headaches Following a Columbus, Ohio Auto Accident
Post-traumatic headaches are very common in Columbus, Ohio, auto accident victims. This is because they are caused by head and neck injuries. The pain is radiated from the injury to other body parts, including the shoulders and the head. The pain may also come with stiffness and reduced range of motion. Post-traumatic headaches can also take time to present symptoms. You might walk away from the accident thinking that you are not injured or thinking that your injuries are mild and have been addressed. Then, the next day or even the next week, you realize that you have a headache that won’t go away. The sooner you seek treatment for the headache, the better off you’re going to be. The time between the accident and the symptoms often results in delayed treatment and a struggle to recover compensation for the pain and medical expenses associated with the injury. This is because it’s difficult to prove that the auto accident is what caused a pain that you didn’t seek treatment for until the following week. This does not mean that you can’t get coverage, but it is more difficult to prove.
Concussion Headaches Following a Columbus, Ohio Auto Accident
Whenever you get into an auto accident that involves a significant force of impact, your brain may actually crash into your skull, causing a concussion. Many people don’t realize that they have a concussion in the immediate aftermath of a collision. A doctor can diagnose it, but if you don’t realize you are injured, you may not see a doctor immediately after the accident. This is just one reason that we recommend that everyone seek a full medical evaluation after any motor vehicle collision. There are many injuries that a person might not be immediately aware of, and concussions are among them. A concussion headache is just one symptom, which could come along with vision disturbance, dizziness, nausea, slurred speech, loss of motor skills, and extreme fatigue. You may also hear ringing in your ears and have disturbances in your memory. Another reason that many don’t seek treatment for a concussion right away is the confusion that comes with such an injury. You may not be thinking clearly, and you might not think to seek treatment. In fact, you may be thinking of nothing more than going to bed, because of the severity of the fatigue symptoms that often come with concussions.
Muscle Strain Headaches Following a Columbus, Ohio Auto Accident
Muscle strain headaches are very common after a Columbus, Ohio, auto accident because they are caused by trauma to your muscles that involves strain or muscle spasms. You may be aware that whiplash is among the most frequent of auto accident injuries, and this is one possible source of a muscle strain headache. There are plenty of other possible sources, as well, including strain or spasms in your back muscles, your shoulders, or your arms. One sign that your headache is a muscle strain headache is that the pain is most severe at the base of your skull.
Pinched Nerve Headaches Following a Columbus, Ohio Auto Accident
Whenever you are injured in such a way that you end up with a pinched nerve, you could suffer from pinched nerve headaches. They are most common when the pinched nerve is in the shoulders or neck. Yet, they can also be caused by pinched nerves in the hips or elsewhere in your body. When someone is injured in a Columbus, Ohio, auto accident, and that person has a pre-existing condition, then they are that much more at risk of experiencing a pinched nerve and pinched nerve headaches. If your headache includes symptoms like numbness and tingling or a burning pain, then this is an indication that it is related to a pinched nerve. If you notice that your muscles are weak and your arms and shoulders also hurt, then these are further indications that you have a pinched nerve headache.
Migraines Following a Columbus, Ohio Auto Accident
Some people are prone to migraines and will get them without any particular identifiable cause. Sometimes, auto accident victims don’t realize that they have a serious injury because they are used to getting migraines, and think that is all it is. Yet, even if you are used to getting migraines, you may need to seek treatment for a migraine that follows an auto accident. For one thing, it might not be a migraine. It might be one of the other common auto accident injury headaches that we’ve mentioned above. For another, you may end up with more frequent migraines, or you may start experiencing regular migraines for the first time after a Columbus, Ohio, auto accident. This is something that you can recover compensation for from the at-fault driver, especially if the headaches recur frequently after your auto accident injuries. Migraines are often severe and include terrible symptoms that are difficult to cope with. They can keep you from enjoying life and from working. They can come with disturbed vision, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and more.
If you have any kind of headache symptoms after a Columbus, Ohio, auto accident, regardless of whether they are immediately apparent or don’t start for weeks after the incident, you need to seek medical treatment. Then, contact the Ohio Car Accident Lawyers to discuss your claim.