In Toledo, it might seem like you have nothing to worry about in terms of other drivers and insurance. The state requires all drivers to have the appropriate insurance, and that should mean that every driver knows that everyone else on the road is covered.
Unfortunately, that’s hardly the case. What happens instead is that many drivers are operating vehicles without any insurance, and that means if you’re in a car wreck in Toledo, there’s no coverage to protect you.
UIM Coverage and Having a Safety Net
If they don’t have the proper insurance, then they certainly won’t tell their insurance. That’s typically what happens is that the driver may not have had insurance coverage at all. Uninsured motorists are on the rise in the Glass City. Estimates from the Insurance Information Institute that a little more than 12% of drivers in Ohio don’t have insurance, and that puts it as the 22nd state in the U.S. for having uninsured drivers.
Your insurance company may not be able to help you if you don’t have UIM, and the other driver was not insured at all. Now, if they did have coverage and just didn’t inform their provider, then you would tell your insurance company, and they would go through to alert other insurance providers to notify them. Additionally, you should have their insurance information to provide to your policy when you file a claim.
Why Isn’t UIM Required in Ohio?
UIM, uninsured motorist coverage, is a requirement in many other states but not in Ohio. Ohio requires that drivers carry a certain amount of liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage. So why doesn’t Ohio require it? UIM is a voluntary type of coverage that helps drivers financially recover in the event of an uninsured or even underinsured driver. It’s up to them, and the state not requiring it has made insurance more affordable for their drivers.
In fact, not requiring UIM may be among the top reasons that there are fewer uninsured drivers in Ohio then there are, for example, in California were UIM is a requirement. The option to make it a requirement would make basic insurance requirements within the state more expensive and probably driver more people to just not carry insurance.
What Happens to the Uninsured Driver?
The uninsured driver will likely have their license either suspended or revoked and as part of that, they’ll probably receive a ticket. The driver could even get points on their license, which can make It seem as though there are a lot of obstacles to deal with after getting into a crash without having any insurance. But the result is actually a little different.
Drivers only have to file a simple form, and maybe complete a defensive driving course to get their license back. They will need to prove that they have insurance, but they can simply get low-grade and very affordable insurance, which in turn would severely reduce the cost of their ticket, which is usually a fix-it ticket. Basically, these drivers just need to fill out a few forms and get insurance, and they’re off the hook.
Who Can Help When You Have a Claim?
When you have a claim, you should turn to an attorney because you might also need to turn around an open a personal claim. The personal claim might be against the at-fault driver directly, and it would take them to court for the bills and damages that you experienced. You should also look to your friends and family for advice, while it may not all be good advice, hearing from people who have gone through similar situations can help you. It can be good to know that this challenge or obstacle in life is temporary.
Will a Toledo Auto Accident Attorney Help You?
If you didn’t have UIM coverage, then your only option might be to directly sue the at-fault driver, but even in that case, if the person couldn’t afford insurance, they likely can’t pay you either. For too many drivers in Toledo, they’re left with nothing more than a ton of medical bills and a beat-up car if that sounds like the situation you have on your hands, then you should contact an attorney.
At 1Ohio, you can count on reliable and reasonable legal advice and support. Dive into the legal possibilities for handling your claim, filing a UIM claim, or filing a lawsuit for personal injury against the other driver. It’s something to consider as you seek financial recovery after your Toledo crash.